Friday, September 21, 2012

For the Sake of It

So, I've realized that I haven't really posted anything up in quite a while...

I'm not particularly surprised about that. Seeing as I usually only update when a major thought or event happens, this must have been a dull last few months.

Not really.

I just haven't been overly moved that I HAD to blog about it else I'd die. (also, you'll notice that Devo Notes, my quiet time blog, has gone on hiatus. That, though, is partly due to a lack of updates and partly due to a change in the way I do quiet times)

Overall, frankly, I just fell out of the blogging mood.

"So, why now?"

Good question. Thanks for asking. Basically, I'm updating to get back into the groove of updating. Does that make sense? If it doesn't, too bad.

Finally, for those curious peoples, what I've been doing in the meantime while my blogsite has gone neglected:

  • Working at camp (archery, field hockey, guitar, international team games, team games, etc)
  • Student Leadership training
  • Classes
  • Next Steps (a retreat run by my school for students committed to full-time missions)
  • Classes
Yeah, that's about it. If anything tickles your fancy and you want to hear more about it, just leave a message.

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